Thursday, 22 December 2011

BOSCO KIDS Celebrate Christmas with the Poor

“Christmas has meaning only when we share all that we have with those who have nothing at all. For this is what God the Father did on that first Christmas day, gave His only son to the humanity bereft of genuine love and concern”, said Fr. Paul Fernandez, the chief guest for the Christmas celebration organized by the BOSCO KIDS of Don Bosco School, Chitradurga. And he applauded BOSCO KIDS adding, “You little BOSCO KIDS made this day very significant both for yourself and for the poor children of your locality. This world is still a beautiful place because there are people like you all over”.
BOSCO KIDS of the school made their own little contribution with which they bought sarees for ladies, shawls for men and readymade dresses for the children of construction workers and invited Fr. Paul Fernandez to distributed them. 
Fr. Anand, the principal, praised BOSCO KIDS for their generous contribution to help out the poor and he said, “God will bless you abundantly for this good gesture of yours. Be good and do good always and bring laurels to BOSCO KIDS”. All the teachers and the students of the school were present for the programme. Later BOSCO KIDS entertained all with cultural extravaganza.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

BOSCO Kids – Animators’ Seminar and Christmas Celebration

Christmas programme for the BOSCO Kids Animators

The State Level Office Bearers who organised the programme

Seminar for the Animators By Rev Fr Gilbert Choondal sdb

The BOSCO Kids animators of Bangalore Zone
Christmas commenced for the BOSCO Youth Services (Karnataka) as early as 10 December 2011. It was also a day of seminar for the BOSCO Kids animators of the Bangalore zone. About 75 principals and animators of different schools together with the state-level office bearers of the BOSCO Kids were present for the programme held at Don Bosco Provincial House, Bangalore.
Fr. George P.S. sdb (Director, BOSCO, Bangalore and the chief guest of the programme) in his address exhorted the animators to nurture an attitude of ‘share and care’ in the children they mould. Fr. Ittira Mondoth sdb (Rector of the Provincial House) made all the participants feel at home through his cordial and warm Christmas message. The Santa Claus gave Christmas gifts to all the teachers.
After the solemn Christmas Lunch, Fr. Gilbert Choondal sdb (HoD, MTh – Department of Faith Education and Youth Mnistry, Visvadeep, Bangalore) gave the teachers two sessions on the topic, “Are you an effective teacher?” The participants appreciated much these input sessions. “It was very refreshing and an eye opener to know that we, the teachers, are dealing with something very precious,” said Mrs Sandya from Mariam Nilaya School, Banasavadi. “I have decided to be more humane towards my students,” said Sr. Cynthia BS, Principal of Gulabi School, Benson town. Sr. Deepa (Principal, Sacred Heart Girls School and member of the BOSCO Kids coordinating Team) thanked the resource person and all the participants.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Youth Animators’ Meeting at Provincial House, Bangalore

Fr Ittira sdb the Rector of the Provincial House 
with Fr K O Thomas and Fr Regi for the Inaugural Session

A Session on Salesian Youth Spirituality by Rev Fr Regi sdb

Fr Vice Provincial animating the afternoon session

Participants of the Youth Animator's & Leaders Meeting

BOSCO Youth Services, Karnataka Region, held a meeting of Salesian youth animators and lay youth leaders of Salesian communities on 16 October 2011 at Provincial House, Bangalore. Thirteen Salesians and thirteen youth leaders from most of the communities of Karnataka region participated.
“Youth animation for every Salesian is an option and not optional,” said Fr K.O. Thomas, the Youth Pastoral Delegate of the province, in his inaugural speech. Fr. Ittira Mondoth, the Rector of the Provincial House, extended a warm welcome to all the participants. After the inaugural session Fr. Regi Pulicodu SDB took a session on ‘Salesian Youth Spirituality’. It was followed by the holy Eucharist, presided by the Vice-Provincial. The afternoon session was made lively through participatory discussion and presentation of the current situation of youth animation in the region and in local communities.
Together with all the youth representatives, an action plan for dynamic and fruitful youth animation was drawn up. The existing zones were rearranged and coordinators were nominated. The rearranged zones are as follows: Chitradurga Zone consisting of Hospet, Davangere, Chitradurga and Tumkur; Bangalore Zone consisting of KGF Parish & ITI, Lourdunagara, KJC, Lingarajpura, BOSCO, and Ajjanahalli; Hassan Zone consisting of Bhadravathi, Hassan, Pavur; Mysore Zone consisting of Mandya, Prakshpalya, and Mysore; Yadagiri Zone consisting of Bidar, Gulbarga, Deodurga, and Yadgiri. Fr. Sonychen Maramattathil, Fr. Edward Alapurackal, Br. Johnson Kanayanattu, Fr. John Peter and Fr. Regi Pulicodu have kindly accepted to be the Zonal coordinators respectively.
It was decided to have a regional level programme annually, a zonal level programme once in six months and a local level programme every month to make the youth animation a vibrant activity. The regional office agreed to provide youth animation resources and support to the zonal and local level youth animation. BOSCO Youth Services made available two DVDs consisting of sessions, video clips, common songs, party songs etc… as a resource for the youth animators. “The meeting of this sort could have been conducted at the beginning of the year. Any way it is better late than never. It was a good effort and let’s join hands to make a difference in the lives of the youth,” said one of the participants as he proposed the vote of thanks.

BOSCO Kids Special Holiday Camp for High School Students

Inauguration of the 3 day Residential Camp at Tumkur

A Session on Personality Development by Mr Prashanth

A session on team building in the Village

The Eucharistic Celebration for the Catholic Children

Treasure Hunt near the Kuppur Lake at Tumkur

BOSCO Youth Services, Bangalore organised a three-day Residence Camp for BOSCO Kids in High Schools. It was held at Don Bosco, Tumkur from 9 to 11 October. About 150 BOSCO Kids from different parts of Karnataka took active part in the camp. They were assisted by 15 animators.
Inaugurating the Holiday Camp Rev. Fr. Thomas Myladoor, Former Salesian Provincial of Bangalore province, exhorted all the participants to make the best use of the opportunity. He welcomed all the children and staff from different schools to Don Bosco family and made them feel at home by spending time with them. Fr Geo, the administrator, proved excellent in rendering Salesian hospitality to all the participants.
Personality Development and God Experience through cheerfulness were the main themes running through the camp. Fr John Peter, Fr Anil D’s, Mr Jayaraj, Mr Sampath and Mr Prashanth were the main resource persons for the sessions. Thrilling party songs, games, value games, presentations, campfire, treasure hunt etc… made all the participants jump with joy.
“I have never experienced such joy in attending a camp. It was a wonderful experience of learning through fun,” said Adarsh from Mariam Nilaya School, Bangalore. “I feel so happy in the company of BOSCO Family. There is so much joy in being with children and I am leaning many things,” was the comment of Mrs Joseline, BOSCO KIDS animator of Gulabi School, Bangalore. Children were sad to leave the campus on the last day. “I have made many friends from different schools; we were here like members of one family,” said Preethi from St Rock’s School, Bangalore as she bid farewell to all friends.

New Unit of BOSCO Kids started at Little Angels School, Bangalore

Unit 1 of BOSCO Kids at Little School, Bangalore

Inaugural Message by the Director of BOSCO Kids

Inauguration of BOSCO Kids at Little Angels School

Unit 2 with the Animator and the director of BOSCO Kids

A session on Preventive System for the Tuition Teachers of SSG at KJC Bangalore

Youth Mass for the BOSCO Youth at TC Palya

A Three Day Retreat for De Paul Candidates at Mysore.

Participants of the Three Day residential Retreat at Mysore

A session on ECO Spirituality By Fr Anil D'sa

Dr. C P Varghese sdb taking session on Interpersonal Relationship

An experience of taize prayer by Fr C P Varghese sdb

BOSCO Youth Services organised a three day retreat cum personality development programme for the Candidates of St Vincent De Paul Seminary at Mysore on 30th Sept, 1 – 2 Oct 2011. Rev. Fr C P Varghese sdb and Fr Anil Dsa sdb animated the session keeping JOY (Jesus, Others, You) as the theme.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Live your values - a workshop for working youth at AWC Bandapura, Bangalore.

Live your values a workshop for working youth at AWC, Bandapura.

BOSCO Youth Services extending its service to Chikkabalapura District, Karnataka.

St Ann's School Gauribidanur, Chikkaballapura

Students busy with group discussion

Session on Study Skills for class X students

Session on Time Management for the IX and X std Students 
A day of session on Study Skills and Time Management was conducted by the BOSCO Youth Services for the Students of St Ann's ICSE School at Gauribidanur, Chikkaballapura District of Karnataka. 

Bosco Youth Group Lourdunagar, Bangalore Unit inaugurated

BOSCO Youth taking part in the animation programme at Lourdunagar 

Newly elected Office Bearers with the animator Br Roshan D'sa and some of the BOSCO Youth

Bosco Youth Group at Lourdunagar, Bangalore had their inauguration for the year 2011-2012 on 24th July this year with an animation programme by Fr Anil D'sa sdb. The newly elected office bearers took oath in the presence of all the youth members.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Seminar for Animators and Leaders of BOSCO Kids

Session on 'Soft skill for an effective teacher'  - Fr Geo SDB

Session on 'Positive Self Image' by Fr Johnson K.P. sdb 

Animators and Leaders of BOSCO Kids at St Charles School, Lingarajpura

BOSCO Kids Leaders in Action 

Dc. Gerald with young leasers motivating them to be good leaders

Newly Elected State Level Office Bearers of BOSCO  Kids 2011- 2012
Kirana, Vidya, Rohit, Sneha, Reena, Cynthia, Dinesh

The State Level Office Bearers Taking Oath. 

BOSCO Youth Services, Bangalore organised a seminar on ‘Soft Skills for Teachers’ for all the animators and ‘Study Skills and Time Management’ for all the leaders of BOSCO Kids on 16th July 2011 at St Charles School, Lingarajpura (Bangalore).
Fifty animators of BOSCO Kids from different schools of Karnataka took part in the Seminar. Fr Geo Kalladanthyil, Fr Johnson Konthempilly, and Fr Benny Neeliyara took sessions on soft skills for teachers. The sessions were well appreciated by the teachers and they pledged that they would strive to make a difference in the lives of their students. Mr. Joseph of St John’s School, Bellary was all praise for the programme and said, “I am happy to take part in such an informative programme and it has given me a boost to be an effective teacher”.
Fr Anil D’sa and Dc. Gerald sdb ably handled the sessions for a hundred and twenty leaders of the BOSCO Kids of different schools. Input sessions, games, singing, entertainment marked the day.
There was also election for the state-level office bearers of the BOSCO Kids movement. Out of 16 contestants for the different posts, Ms Kirana of Sacred Heart School, Bangalore was elected as the president. Vidya of Mariam Nilaya School, Rohit of St Anthony’s School, and Sneha of St Anthony’s Girls School were elected as the vice-president, the secretary and the joint secretary respectively. Reena of St Rock’s School, Dinesh of BOSCO Bangalore, and Cynthia of Maria Nikethan School were elected as executive members. In a simple oath taking ceremony Fr Anil, the Director of BOSCO Youth Services, installed the newly elected office bearers as they took the oath in the presence all the leaders and the animators.
“I feel proud to be part of such a huge movement and I will do my best to bring glory to BOSCO Kids,” said the newly elected president, Ms Kirana from Sacred Heart School, Bangalore. Dinesh from BOSCO, Bangalore was all excited to be part of this movement and said, “I am so happy today to get this opportunity to be friendly with children of different schools.”