Thursday, 22 December 2011

BOSCO KIDS Celebrate Christmas with the Poor

“Christmas has meaning only when we share all that we have with those who have nothing at all. For this is what God the Father did on that first Christmas day, gave His only son to the humanity bereft of genuine love and concern”, said Fr. Paul Fernandez, the chief guest for the Christmas celebration organized by the BOSCO KIDS of Don Bosco School, Chitradurga. And he applauded BOSCO KIDS adding, “You little BOSCO KIDS made this day very significant both for yourself and for the poor children of your locality. This world is still a beautiful place because there are people like you all over”.
BOSCO KIDS of the school made their own little contribution with which they bought sarees for ladies, shawls for men and readymade dresses for the children of construction workers and invited Fr. Paul Fernandez to distributed them. 
Fr. Anand, the principal, praised BOSCO KIDS for their generous contribution to help out the poor and he said, “God will bless you abundantly for this good gesture of yours. Be good and do good always and bring laurels to BOSCO KIDS”. All the teachers and the students of the school were present for the programme. Later BOSCO KIDS entertained all with cultural extravaganza.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

BOSCO Kids – Animators’ Seminar and Christmas Celebration

Christmas programme for the BOSCO Kids Animators

The State Level Office Bearers who organised the programme

Seminar for the Animators By Rev Fr Gilbert Choondal sdb

The BOSCO Kids animators of Bangalore Zone
Christmas commenced for the BOSCO Youth Services (Karnataka) as early as 10 December 2011. It was also a day of seminar for the BOSCO Kids animators of the Bangalore zone. About 75 principals and animators of different schools together with the state-level office bearers of the BOSCO Kids were present for the programme held at Don Bosco Provincial House, Bangalore.
Fr. George P.S. sdb (Director, BOSCO, Bangalore and the chief guest of the programme) in his address exhorted the animators to nurture an attitude of ‘share and care’ in the children they mould. Fr. Ittira Mondoth sdb (Rector of the Provincial House) made all the participants feel at home through his cordial and warm Christmas message. The Santa Claus gave Christmas gifts to all the teachers.
After the solemn Christmas Lunch, Fr. Gilbert Choondal sdb (HoD, MTh – Department of Faith Education and Youth Mnistry, Visvadeep, Bangalore) gave the teachers two sessions on the topic, “Are you an effective teacher?” The participants appreciated much these input sessions. “It was very refreshing and an eye opener to know that we, the teachers, are dealing with something very precious,” said Mrs Sandya from Mariam Nilaya School, Banasavadi. “I have decided to be more humane towards my students,” said Sr. Cynthia BS, Principal of Gulabi School, Benson town. Sr. Deepa (Principal, Sacred Heart Girls School and member of the BOSCO Kids coordinating Team) thanked the resource person and all the participants.